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Photo Update 302

"Water Water Everywhere"

I love the feel of wet nylon and cloth as it clinges to my body. It is a feeling that can only be felt and not described!! It is nearly as erotic as being lightly bound but not to the point where you can't's just a feeling of being squeezed and held as the warm water runs down and thru every crack and curve of my body.

I have had so many requests to do a wet clothes update that I can't rememeber just who to thank for it...but you I am sure know who you are. I hope you all enjoy me wet. Hey I am finally as wet on the outside as I am on the inside durring a shoot!! ((wicked grin))

Tonight's Update has:

Wet Clothing

Wet Stockings

Wet Heels

Lots of Ass Shots

and a Very Very Wet Kitty ((purrrrrrrrrrrr))


Have a great evening and besure to sign-up to recieve my newsletter on my photo page. This was you will know what and when I am updating next.

P.S....Don't forget to ask me about my "Wet Clothes Video Series" if you like tonight's update.

Hugs~N~Kisses, Victoria


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