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Photo Update 538


70 photos and 6 videos in the Members set.

Hi everyone, So as you know we moved to

South America. I used to get presents from

fans and I sure miss it. It was easy to go 

find something off my Amazon wishLIST and

send it right to me but now I am unable to 

receive mail. I've got some family coming 

to visit soon and they will bring stuff from

the States in their suitcases. So, now you

can help me out. :) I've made my wishLIST 

available again but the only thing I can 

receive is Gift Cards (any $). These are electronic

and I can order and send the items to a 

relatives house. Please don't order other

items because they will go to our old house 

in the States and I'll never get them.

make sure to send me an e-mail at

if you decide to order a giftCARD. 

thanks in advance. MUAH! sK

GiftCARDs 4 sizzleKITTY

This issue has been archived in the members area.