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Photo Update 1246

Hi Guys!

Happy Valentines Day!

This set is from our recent Florida trip. Some old, dear friends now live close to where we were staying and we made plans for them to come to our hotel for drinks and dinner. Just as we started to shoot this update there was a knock on the door and it was the couple-an hour early. They have known about my site for years and we invited them in. She told me that, in the new bra and panty, I looked like a ripe Florida citrus just ready to be picked then described and demonstrated the steps on me:

1. Thoroughly squeeze entirely to choose plump and firm fruit;

2. Flick the wrist to unfasten the fruit (or bra!); 

3. Check for ripeness. All you have to do is give the fruit a little taste. Also check carefully for any moisture that may be seeping from the fruit. Lick it to check for freshness;

4. Eat it up quickly!

5. Don't throw the peels away. They can be reused (but perhaps washed beforehand!);

6. Enjoy your mastery of harvesting fruit (and don't forget to masturbate often!).

We all laughed while Hutch I got back to work. They were demonstrating approving arousal and she didn't hesitate peeling her husband's fruit out and giving him a  blowjob while he watched me finish the update. It was a pretty hot time!

Would you like to try your h! and (and tongue) at picking some fresh fruit?



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